NEWS | Killers of 15 year old Nigerian boy, Junior Nkwelle, found guilty of manslaughter

The 14 year old girl who ordered the stabbing of 15 year old Nigerian boy, Junior Nkwelle, for being ‘disrespectful’ was found guilty of manslaughter yesterday March 1, 2013.  

Jun ior a nd his friends had been playing football near his home when an argument broke out. T he teenage girl claimed Junior had insulted her during the argument . She then called her 16 year old boyf riend on the phone to a housing estate in Brixton and ordered him to ‘teach Junior a lesson’. The boyfriend thrust a carving knife once into Junior's chest, killing him. This happened in September 2012.

The teenage girl and her boyfriend were cleared of murder by a jury yesterday, but they are facing long prison terms after being  found guilty of manslaughter.
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